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UserCompanyCzech Republic
We are a czech-russian group established in 1993. The company has included other members or guests from the Czech Republic, Japan, Russia, Canada, Italy, Slovakia, Germany, France, Sardinia, Togo, Poland, Austria, Germany, Denmark and Greece. Teatr Novogo Fronta's creativity and stage presentation is impressive both in its scale and variety, ranging from street theatre and improvized sets to exacting and directed plays on classical theatre stages. Our performances are constructed from images which stand on the frontier between mysticism and abstraction, circus art and modern dance, where the main force is the action, improvization and tension amplified by the ridiculousness of human tragedy.
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DOPPELGĂ„NGER is an alegory of biblical creation of Adam Kadmon and Lilith. They were created from the mud and silt of earth. Lilith was before Eva therefore she was called …

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