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Deux à la Tâche was born in 2012 to create a theatrical project based on the concept of art as humanity, of action as a universal language, of theater as an "organic relationship" with the Audience. A project based on the power of laughter as a means to reach people in a direct and effective way. Deux à la Tâche is Physical Comedy, it's Magic, it is Humor. It's the imposing pure action of the theater without words. Pamela Demócrito (Italy) and Roberto Tanner (Argentina), both with a wide experience in the scene, come from different artistic environments and both complement and enrich each other, giving the project a framework of totality and universality.
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Un mix esplosivo di commedia,magia,umore con tocchi di spettacolare trasformismo.Un Mago presuntuoso ed ossessivo e la sua Assistente inesperta ed ingenua hanno una difficile relazione sulla scena. L’incontro e scontro …

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